Fraud is generally classified as a “white-collar crime.” A white-collar crime refers to a crime to a wide variety of range of offensives usually involving deceit and concealment. White-collar crimes generally involve a person violating a position of trust in order to achieve financial gain. In general, individuals convicted of fraud can expect a term of incarceration for up to 25 years in state prison in addition to harsh penalties that include hefty fines and possible forfeiture of personal property.…


Have you ever been arrested on charges of a violent crime such as homicide, manslaughter, or armed robbery? These violent crimes are harshly penalized under New York criminal law. While some violent offenses are charged as misdemeanors, such as assault in the third degree, most cases will be charged as felonies. Violent crimes include, but are not limited to the following: Homicide (Murder), Attempted Homicide (Attempted Murder), Manslaughter, Child Abuse, Rape, Battery, Arson, Sexual Assault, Assault, Armed Robbery, Aggravated Harassment,…


A sex crime charge can destroy your family, your career, and your reputation. Even the mere allegation of a sexual crime can erode your personal and professional life. Thus, if you have been accused of a sex crime, it is imperative that you secure an experienced defense attorney. Massena Law P.C. defends individuals accused of sex crimes in New York City and the surrounding boroughs. Sex crimes can include: Rape, Sexual Assualt, Sexual Abuse, Possession of Child Pornography, Sexual Misconduct,…


In New York, a defendant convicted for selling drugs can face up to 25 years in state prison with probation and fines. However, the severity of the sentence depends on several factors, including the type of drug sold, the amount of the drug that was sold, and the proximity of the sale to a school. Criminal sale of a controlled substance includes but is not limited to the sale of: Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Marijuana, Oxycodone, Morphine, Methamphetamines, Codeine, Opiates. The…


Military law can apply to any type of crime. Massena Law P.C. represents members of the armed forces who are accused of military offenses, those who are facing criminal charges related to off-base incidents, and civilians accused of criminal behavior on military property, if you are facing charges in a military court or are a service member facing civilian criminal charges, it is essential to secure a defense attorney to protect your rights both as a serviceman and as a…


Whenever a child is accused of any type of crime it is very important to hire experienced New York juvenile crimes attorney. At Massena Law P.C., we fight to protect and secure the legal rights of minors accused of a crime. Massena Law P.C. represents minors in every type of juvenile offense including: DWI, Minor Consumption of Alcohol, Drug Offenses, Driving on a Suspended License, Assault and Battery, Domestic Violence, Sex Offenses, Shoplifting, Property Crimes. Take action now and contact…


Grand Larceny is a crime of theft in which an individual intentionally steals and removes personal property from another person or group. Grand Larceny is a felony conviction that can result in an individual paying substantial amount of money in fines and, depending on the type of felony, numerous years in prison. Grand Larceny can include but is not limited to: Grand Larceny of a Vehicle, Grand Larceny of a Firearm, Grand Larceny Sentencing Guidelines, Grand Larceny and Embezzlement Based…


Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Massena Law P.C. has extensive experience defending individual rights charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Penalties for DWI/DUI offenses can include jail time, license suspension, license revocation, points on your license, fines, misdemeanor charges, felony charges and more. Additionally, DWI charges are rarely, if ever, expunged from an individual’s criminal record. If you have ever been arrested for drunk or impaired driving, the New…


In the State of New York, domestic violence is defined as “A pattern of coercive tactics, which can include physical, psychological, sexual, economic and emotional abuse, perpetrated by one person against an adult intimate partner, with the goal of establishing and maintaining power and control over the victim.” Domestic violence is a serious crime that can result in physical injury or death. In New York, when domestic violence is reported to the police, certain conditions require a mandatory arrest. Anyone…


A conviction for a violent offense such as Assault can result in a long term prison sentence, a substantial fine, the revocation of certain rights, and a permanent criminal record. Even first-time offenders can face serious consequences. For this reason, it is imperative to secure a skilled and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney who can work with prosecutors and defend you aggressively in court if necessary. Contact Massena Law P.C. if you or your loved ones faces charges for assault.